GLIDE-LINE: The Future of Flexible Conveyor System Manufacturing

We offer the most versatile multi-strand pallet-handling and direct product handling conveyor solutions available in the industry. We want to show you that working with Glide-Line is FAST, FLEXIBLE, EASY.

Fast, Flexible & Easy

Working with Glide-Line is fast: from quoting to lead time to delivery. Each of our conveyors is designed and built with flexible configurability and elegant motion, creating an efficient, hassle-free customer experience. We strive to be the easiest conveyor system manufacturer to work with, and our customers agree!


It's far more than a typical 3D CAD conveyor configurator!
IMPACT! is a Solidworks and Excel integration.  Use Excel for application details and capacity feedback, as well as instant part numbers and pricing.  Click a button to insert accurate CAD models directly into Solidworks, always real time linked to Excel.  Your master assembly matches your Excel bill of material, pricing, and models – all in sync, all the time.  
 Your needs change, no problem – all models are highly configurable, not to mention include motion states and are configured for snap-to mating. 

Download Now

We developed Glide-Line because there just wasn’t an option for flexible, configurable conveyors in the market. That’s where we come in. Our process starts with you choosing a base handling solution. Then, dive into our devices and accessories to solve any movement or layout challenges. Finish off using our Solidworks-based in-context-configurator, IMPACT!, for instant pricing and part numbers. Of course, we can step in if you’d like some help to see if there are any additional efficiencies or designs we can recommend.


Start Customizing Your Solution in 3 Easy Steps...




We offer the most versatile pallet-handling and multi-strand direct product handling solutions available for the assembly automation industry. Start by choosing the challenge you want to solve for based on your application or pre-selected conveyor type. Flip the cards for more details.


IMPACT! is our in-context, Solidworks-based Configurator for instant pricing and part numbers

Button - Learn About Our Free, In-Context Configurator


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Ready to Get Started with a Better Flexible Manufacturer for Conveyor Systems?

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