Educational Blog

Can I Lift & Rotate More Smoothly to Reduce High Product Waste during Conveyor Acceleration and Deceleration?

Written by Ron Schwar | Monday, February 18, 2019

Reduce product waste to products requiring rotation during assembly by lifting and rotating more smoothly. Using a servo-driven Lift and Rotate Unit, you’re able to control rotations precisely (including acceleration and deceleration), combine assembly processes, and minimize product contact. These three steps help to reduce high product waste from rotation in your clients’ automation processes.



1. Control LRU Motion Precisely

Too often, conveyor manufacturers employ a pneumatic actuator  that simply lifts or turns a pallet between two points. There is very limited control over acceleration and deceleration, and precision isn’t the goal of that device. However, fragile products are more likely to suffer in that process as a result of the herky jerky motion.

Controlled movements are less likely to cause damage to delicate or high-risk products during transport. Using Glide-Line’s servo-driven Lift and Rotate Unit to perform turning or rotating actions in a process helps reduce product waste because you’re able to precisely program the acceleration, deceleration, angle of the movements, and number of rotations.  As a result of smooth motion control, you may even be able to increase the speed.

2. Combine Assembly Processes

Reducing the time a product spends in an assembly process will reduce the potential risk for product damage. Using a Lift and Rotate Unite creatively, perhaps as an aid in lifting or dropping a product to a workstation and performing functions on the pallet, combines steps and makes the process more efficient, speeding up completion of the assembly.

Not only are you able to accomplish precise automation operations because the stops can be programmed exactly, but your client is also able to simultaneously increase throughput thanks to added efficiency.

3. Minimize Product Contact

Using an LRU to accomplish as many movements as possible limits the amount of contact a robot or person needs to have with the product, reducing the opportunity for damage. The more a product is handled, moved to and from equipment or machinery, manually rotated, or operated on, the more chances of increased product waste.

Employing the Lift and Rotate Unit to expertly, precisely, and smoothly lift and rotate your client’s products to any location for assembly operations, visual inspection, or other automation requirements helps reduce the chance of high product waste.

Servo-driven conveyors are less likely to cause damage to delicate or high-risk products during transport. Thus, using the servo-driven LRU to perform turning or rotating actions for automation operations or visual inspection in a process helps reduce product waste.

Using the LRU also limits the amount of contact needed for assembly, inspection, and transfer through an automation process. Because the product is lifted on the conveyor, rather than physically handled, damage and product waste are minimized.

Read more in our ebook, Thinking Differently: The Guide To Creatively Lift & Rotate Products in your Assembly Automation System.