Our Standard Lift and Locate is a device designed to be used to lift a workpiece pallet off the conveyor to be worked on in a fully automatic or manual station where precision work is needed.
Other conveyor manufacturers offer a lifting device, but ours is unique in two ways. First, we can build the Standard Lift and Locate to accommodate any size pallet at no extra cost; all sizes are available in 1mm increments and are considered standard. Second, the lift cylinder can also be configured to any height needed for the automation operation, from 1mm to 200mm; you’re not locked in to a specific height.
Four attributes of Glide-Line’s Standard Lift & Locate Unit make it stand out from our competitors.
1. It’s Flexible.
The Standard Lift and Locate Unit offers fully configurable vertical lift positioning, and it is suitable for applications requiring repeatable, positional accuracy within ±.05mm. The unit can be station mounted or mounted directly to the transport conveyor; accuracy and repeatability are relative to the mounting structure.
2. It’s Durable.
The Standard Lift and Locate is built from durable materials and manufactured to withstand repeated use over relatively long periods of time. This durability reduces maintenance needs and keep your client’s system up and running reliably.
3. It Solves Problems.
The Standard Lift and Locate is a simple solution to operation challenges where efficiency and accuracy are needed.
For example, let’s say your client has an automatic work cell and they need to drill holes in it. If it’s sitting on the conveyor, the pallet can move around and the holes may not be accurate. Using a Standard Lift and Locate, pins can come up into the pallet and lift it up off the moving conveyor to perform the action. This improves repeatability and provides greater consistency in the process.
4. It’s Accurate.
The Standard Lift and Locate has accuracy and repeatability, both absolutely necessary to a manufacturing or automation process when using a fully automated or semi automated work cell. It uses pneumatic lift actuation to accurately elevate the pallet to the exact programmed height for automation operations, visual inspection, or other processes before lowering it back to the conveyor.
It has precision lift height adjustment of +/- 10mm, and lateral and vertical location repeatability within .05mm. It also utilizes hydraulic shock absorbers for vertical motion. It can be station or conveyor mounted and has a short-stroke range of 1mm to 75mm and a long-stroke range of 75mm to 200mm.
Integrators love the Standard Lift and Locate from Glide-Line because they can get it to match their design criteria and specifications even for custom pallets or trays. It is also significantly less complex than our competitors’ solutions. In the developmental stage of this product, we were able to strip out a lot of older technologies to increase the simplicity of the end product. This makes this device faster to build and easier to maintain, a win-win for everyone.
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